Experiments: How to monitor and work with our emotions?

Please read and learn about Skin Conductance Response (SCR or Galvanic Skin Response GSR) first.
Scientific communities have long established that all our emotional outbursts, whether fear, anger, excitement, etc., trigger electrochemical (or biochemical) responses in our body that can be measured easily. Furthermore, all such arousal or outburst event generally arises within 1 to 3 seconds, and fades away mostly within 10 to 20 seconds, and almost never last beyond 90 seconds. Unless, of course, the person involved is now "engaged" mentally, and through conscious mental energy and acting out, re-triggers this arousal or outburst again and again. What this means is that our body is capable of recognizing and letting go of most or all external or internal stimulation (upset, fear, anger, excitement, etc.) automatically. But as most of us can testify, we clearly don't behave this way, at least not often enough.

To understand oneself better of our intrinsic behavior versus our learned behavior, and how do we un-learn our learned behavior, the following is a simple experiment. This experiment also allows us to test the age old proverbs, such as "don't talk or act, count to 10 first...", "don't react, just be an observer, and see the emotion fades away..."
1. Hook up the SCR kit in a bio-feedback setup.
2. Stay quiet and still, watch (and record) how the SCR signal comes and goes. Note the time durations for arousal and fading away. Tag the events (positive or negative) as they occur. Observe oneself and note any correlation between thoughts and arousal. This is your baseline.
3. Choose the particular kind of stimulation of interest to you. Record and tag those events as one usually reacts to them.
4. Stay quiet and still, and calming oneself down back to base line, without thoughts and movements.
5. Repeat 3, but during this round, simply be an observer without engaging your mind to analyze or understand the stimulation, and without any reaction or movement. Record and tag these event without any reaction to them.
6. Analyze and compare. Share the results if you would like to.
