
user resources and information

Examples of EEG and ECG(HRV) features

Taking advantage of free EDF Browser and free Audacity(R) programs, our EEG and ECG data set can be brought to live, and actually quite easy to read out our internal activities.

1. EEG: Audacity(R) showing EEG spectrogram and corresponding 3D accelerometer and temperature sensor data.  For a whole evening: walking, dinner, video watching, book reading, meditation, sleep, meditation, breakfast and music listening.  The accelerometer data show clearly how the head posture changed with each activity.  The various sleep stages and patterns are also easily discernible.


How to monitor and improve posture?

Our spine routes and protects our nervous system from head to the rest of the body, while bearing the full weight of our head, body, upper limbs through all the activities we do throughout our life. Prolonged incorrect postures tend to degrade, damage and deform our spine and associated muscles and ligaments, which in turns create pressure points and can cause problems to all our internal organs regulated by the nervous system.


How to monitor coherence states and breathing exercise using ECG/HRV?

Breathing is the only bodily function that is both involuntary (i.e. self regulated) and voluntary (i.e. through conscious control.) Therefore, breathing exercises are regarded as extremely important and useful in many religious, spiritual, martial art traditions, as well modern medical and relaxation techniques.


How to view, analyze and edit bio-sensor data set using Audacity(R) software?

Audacity(R) is one of many useful open sourced free software, initially developed for audio and music applications. It is equally useful when adapted (with some limitations) for exploring bio-sensor data sets, such as EEG, ECG, SCR, etc. Audacity(R) is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. It is equally useful for editing and analyzing bio-signal data files (in .WAV format) such as EEG, ECG, etc. both in the time domain (waveform) and in the frequency domain (FFT).


Experiments: How to be a DIY MythBuster?

The present internet age has brought us unprecedented accesses to information, as well as allowing many of us to be information providers, so we no longer need to rely solely on established authorities and channels (whether governments, corporations, organizations or media with their partial views). But how do we select and assess among this deluge of information, to decipher and ascertain what's beneficial and true to oneself? how do we find and cultivate our own discernment and wisdom?



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